Advantages of EPDM Single Layer Roofing Membranes
Our CPDs are designed to assist architects, specifiers and designers to keep up to date with waterproofing systems, material properties, best practices and design trends. By attending our CPDs you gain valuable knowledge and earn points.
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The CPD seminar provides an overview of EPDM and its various material variants currently being produced worldwide. It also explains how waterproofing systems on different types of flat roofing and common construction build-up details like inverted, green roofs and hard landscaping. The seminar touches upon the differences between types of flat roofing membranes available in the market, an overview of hybrid EPDMs, and possible installation methods. It also covers project case studies, system certification and warranties to illustrate the benefits and versatility of using EPDM as a durable and reliable waterproofing solution for flat roofs.
Learning Aims
Introduction to EPDM
Specification of flat roof construction build-ups
EPDM comparisons with other materials
How EPDM roofing systems can be installed
Diverse uses of EPDM in construction
Innovative case study assessment
Benefits of manufacturer warranties
As the project sales manager, I am committed to providing all the necessary product and technical support to architects so they can be confident in specifying our roofing systems.
"Working on large commercial projects such as new builds and renovations, I collaborate with architects and designers to assist with specifications."
CPD Booking Form: Advantages of EPDM Single Layer Roofing Membranes
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